Thursday, February 19, 2009

Conger at Boyd

Hey Kids.

I know. You're thinking, hey, why all the doom and gloom over the economy, Aaron? And you're right.

So today I'm going to highlight Roy Boyd. Roy exemplifies how I hope to do business and he's the very definition of honesty. I really love him. I walked over to his gallery the other day to do some brain-picking and he said, "It's been a while, hasn't it."

It had been and I'm going to do my best to remedy that situation. He is one of the most valuable piece of the Chicago art puzzle and I'm going to make it a real habit of walking through his doors on a regular basis.

Right now he's got William Conger up. Will is a guy who's been around for a while. In fact the Cultural Center has a congruent show of his that spans 50 years of his career. Roy's numbers are pretty impressive as well, having represented Will for 25 years. And oh, my, the red dots. They make me happy. They prove that people are buying. That's what I like to see.

Conger's works are not the kind of abstraction that beat you over the head. In fact, I've seen people walk far too fast by them, thinking they've managed to deconstruct them in stride. They are unassuming, but there's a lot of thought put towards those marks. There are large sections of skillfully blended values buttressing sharp curving lines that look like negative-space flowers or modern stained glass. There are works that feel like you mixed Calder with Mondrian and threw some mathematics at it. They are fun. And that's nice. Easy on the eyes.

My advise. Go to Roy Boyd every chance you get. Make chances. And say hi to Roy.

Cuba, oil on canvas, 60x60, 2008

Bandit, oil on canvas, 60x60, 2008

Little Clara, oil on wood, 16.75x12.75, 2008

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